Remove Messages tab for end user role
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Remove Messages tab for end user role


Article ID: 381101


Updated On:


CA Service Catalog


This article details the steps that Service Catalog admin can follow to remove the Messages tab for end user role.

Some business requirement would need to block end users seeing the messages.


CA Service Catalog 17.3 and higher

CA EEM 12.6.x.x


Please follow these steps

1. Login to CA EEM as EiamAdmin(with the corresponding CA Service Catalog application instance)
2. Manage Access Policies -->Policies
3. Click on 'Launchpad' folder, available under Access Policies folder
4. Click on 'ACL_113_Launchpads'
5. Delete 'launchpad_my_messages' and save the changes

6. Restart the CA Service Catalog service.
7. Login to CA Service Catalog web UI as an end user and verify the 'Messages' tab is gone