From policy manager -> Gateway Audit Events is empty. How to audit the container gateway when using HELM chart deployment.
Gateway 11.x
When using containers by default our charts is configured to disable auditing, enable JSON logs formatting and writing to stdout so all the log messages end up in the pod logs on the node
Download the YAML file then customize it for your deployment
Where to download YML Charts
Customize YAML according to the README for charts Gateway on GitHub
For logging review Logs * Audit Configuration
Specifically the config.javaArgs changing to true
- -Dcom.l7tech.server.audit.message.saveToInternal=true
- -Dcom.l7tech.server.audit.admin.saveToInternal=true
- -Dcom.l7tech.server.audit.system.saveToInternal=true
Install HELM using customized local/modified values production-values.yaml
$ helm install my-ssg --set-file "license.value=/home/portaldebian/k8s/gateway/license11.xml" --set "license.accept=true" --create-namespace --namespace layer7 layer7/gateway -f /home/portaldebian/k8s/gateway/apim-charts-stable/charts/gateway/production-values.yaml