During troubleshooting or network recovery scenarios, you may need to use an API call to perform the following action on a single edge or a group of edges.
This article provide instructions and an example on how to perform the API call. A lab environment is used as an example.
Instructions provided here was done within a lab but can be used in production.
Troubleshooting or network recovery scenarios.
You would need to use the following API call api/sdwan/v2/enterprises/{{enterpriseLogicalId}}/edges/?action={{edge_action}}.
Query parameter edge_action would then need to be replaced with one of the following queries.
Provided below is an example taken from using Postman client, but this can be accomplished using whatever method you choose to make API calls. Example taken below is from a lab edge and it shows how to use an API call to restart the edged service of a single edge and a group of edges.
For performing the action on a single edge. You would need to obtain the logical ID of that edge and place it within an array as a string.
To perform the action on multiple edges, you would need to obtain the logical ID from multiple edges and place them within the array as a list of strings.
Displayed below is the output we observe on the events page after API call was successful in restarting three edges. These are lab edges that were restarted.
It is highly recommended that you test and understand what the actions these commands do before using them in a production network as they are impactful.