Unable to add Active Directory (AD) server in DCS
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Unable to add Active Directory (AD) server in DCS


Article ID: 381020


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced


You are trying to connect to an active directory LDAP server, but this error appears:

"Unable to connect to the active directory LDAP server using the provided URL"


DCS 6.9.3


The DCS service is running under the Local Service account. 

This account does not have sufficient permissions and will result in a failure to add the AD server. 

The DCS service needs to run under the Local System account instead. 


1. Locate the Symantec Data Center Security Server Manager service

2. Access the Properties for the service

3. Click the Log On tab

4. Examine the 'Log on as:' options. The option 'Local System account' should be selected. 

5. Click OK