Automatic configuration task post-imaging is configuring dagent with incorrect GSS server IP
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Automatic configuration task post-imaging is configuring dagent with incorrect GSS server IP


Article ID: 381008


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


After using the 'Distribute Disk Image' task configured to automatically perform configuration task after completing the imaging task, one or more deployed machines are configured with the wrong GSS IP address and fail to check in to the console


Ghost Solution Suite 3.x

GSS 3.x


The issue is caused by incorrect computer configuration information in \Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Temp

If the Ghost Solution Suite server IP is changed and machines don't receive the update, their configuration data in this directory will not get updated

Agent configuration data for each managed computer will be stored in this directory as a .cfg file


To ensure all saved configuration data is updated with the correct GSS Server IP address, use Notepad ++ or a similar text editor to search the \Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Temp directory for the old IP address or configuration data. Computer configuration data is saved in this directory as .cfg files. There should be one .cfg file for each managed machine.