The following WARNING message may be observed in the DSA warn log:
WARN : rs_rsu: Credit limit reached
Or the following combination:
WARN : rs_rsu: Credit limit reached
WARN : Credit limit reached #<numeric value> "cn=xxxxx,dc=xxxxx,dc=xxx" <IP_Address>:<port>
Running low on defined 'credits'.
The credits parameter provides a mechanism to govern how many client requests are outstanding at any given time for each association and to delay new requests.
The setting is: set credits = ###;
The credit limit reached warning can be explained as:
"Setting the DSA credits to 5 (for example, via the limits configuration file) instructs the DSA that all user associations (meaning unique client IP address and port pairs) can have a maximum of 5 operations outstanding at any given time before the DSA will impose flow control."
It is possible that this value was set in the past with older version of the product and kept the same even after an upgrade to latest version.
Current version of product has this value set to 1000000 (1 million) by default, if not specified. So you can either comment out the 'set credit' line from the config or adjust the value manually to something more suitable to your need.
Credits are per "association" (which is a unique TCP connection), not per IP address. There is no "shared pool".
The maximum number of DSA operations in progress at the same time on a per user basis can be set using the credit limit, for example:
set credits = 5;
To determine the maximum number of concurrent operations you can perform, multiply the number of credits by the maximum number of users.
When the credit value is exceeded, the DSA delays the receipt of any new requests from the DUA (client).
set credits Command -- Limit the Number of Operations per User