Enforce a common HQL to all the SYSVIEW USER CAPTURE DATASET
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Enforce a common HQL to all the SYSVIEW USER CAPTURE DATASET


Article ID: 380991


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


The USER hlq for Capture dastaset is something that each Sysview user should change when it's needed.

This change can be done from CAPPARMS command screen and it will be saved under user profile. 

Is there any way to force every Sysview user to use the same High-Level Qualifier (HLQ) for their Capture dataset?


SYSVIEW 17.0 - z/OS supported releases - 


The option of overriding the value for USER hlq on CAPPARMS can be disabled, below are steps how to do so: 

  2. User Groups
  3. Select group. (In case there are few, it should be repeated for each group including DEFAULT one).
  4. Command Fields Section
  5. Search for CAPPARMS and then select it, twice
  6. On a following screen change the value of 'Value' field to NO
  7. Restart the SYSVIEW user sessions to make the change active. This should be done by all users.** 

** - NOTE: In case the SYSVIEW security file(CNM4BSEC) is shared across multiple instances in might take some time to become active due to caching. Cycling instance that use same security file it should force the change.  

So above will forbid any changes to USER hlq for captures.


But if there are users who already modified their own USER hlq previously this would mean that it's already stored in those user profiles. To address this, the change should be performed to XXX hlq from CAPPARM screen prior to forbidding override access via above 7 steps. 

First, these users should be identified, here are steps how to do so: 

  1. Issue PROFLIB command, here is the dataset name of PROFLIB.
  2. Browse the PROFLIB dataset from ISPF 3.4 and use SRCHFOR CAP
    It should at least find one member that contain CAP string and it will be DEFAULT user profile, if SRCHFOR finds more than one  member in PROFLIB that has CAP string then these members should be browsed to find the userid.
    For example on below screenshot shows that there is DEFAULT user profile and USERID01 that has CAP string. 
  3. Now the user profiles potentially has some modifications to USER hlq for capture have being identified. 
  4. Go to SYSVIEW panel and issue PROFILE SWITCH,USERID01
  5. Go to CAPPARMS and verify the value under USER hlq and correct if needed to XXX
  6. 6. Issue PROFILE SAVE 

NOTE: Repeat for each user and after this is done go to the SECURITY(7 steps instruction above).

Also it's useful to switch back to the profile PROFILE SWITCH,your_userid