Phrase preceded by blanks added after ucybsmgr on Unix
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Phrase preceded by blanks added after ucybsmgr on Unix


Article ID: 380987


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


After upgrading/installing the Service Manager to version 21.0.10 or 24.1.0 you notice that there are some extra blanks between ./ucybsmgr and the phrase.

See below:

This occurs when starting the service manager with a command that first does a cd to the folder of the service manager, instead of providing the full path to the binary, ie:

cd /opt/automic/ServiceManager/bin
nohup ./ucybsmgr phrase >/dev/null 2>&1 &


Service Manager 24.1+ or 21.0.10+ on Unix/Linux.


The issue is caused by a correction introduced to avoid some environment variables corruption while starting the Service Manager if the path was too long.


Please start the Service Manager using the full path to the binary instead of ./ucybsmgr.

Replace in your startup script:

nohup ./ucybsmgr phrase >/dev/null 2>&1 &


nohup /path_to_service_manager/bin/ucybsmgr phrase >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Additional Information

The changes were done on version 21.0.10+ and 24.1.0+ via AE-36914 (equivalent to AE-35633 for Unix Agent).

Public description: A problem was fixed where the Service Manager would overwrite its own environment during startup.