In the Modern UX Audit when trying to use the New Value field on the filter, I get a "Please enter a valid number" error
1. Administration > Studio > Idea object
2. Created a static lookup attribute with values A and B
3. Audit the attribute
4. On MUX Audit > Open the filter
5. Add the following fields:
Attribute ID = myattribute
6. The filter works correctly
7. Add the New Value field and add a value
Expected Results: The audit to be filtered down
Actual results: Audit filtering fails: Please enter a valid number
Clarity 16.2.0
The New Value and Old Value fields are designed to work with Per Period Metrics.
In 16.2.3 the Modern UX Audit has been redesigned and contains two sections: Attributes and Per-Period Metrics
The New Value and Old Value fields will only be available on the Per-Period Metrics section