In VCO sometimes stale entries of workflows that seem to have been running for a while can't seem to be deleted.
VRA 8.16.2
Attempt #1:
Within Swagger, there is a delete workflow run API
Delete Workflow Run API: /workflows/{workflowId}/executions/{executionId}/
You will need an ExecutionID and a WorkflowID to delete the workflow.
If attempt #1 fails..
Attempt #2:
// Login database ssh root@<vra-host> // backup catalog-db vracli db dump catalog-db | xz -c > catalog-db.xz // connect to catalog-db vracli dev psql catalog-db // Find requests of this deployment. The request with "IN-PROGRESS" status is the hanging one. catalog-db-# select id, name, status from dep_request where deployment_id = '<deployment_id>' order by created_at desc; // reset IN-PROGRESS request to 'FAILED': update dep_request set status = 'FAILED' where id = '<request_id>' and deployment_id = '<deployment_id>';