Is there a way to remove the EKG key besides an IPL?
Running Common Services on a z/OS system and getting an EKG key for one of the LPARs as there were licensing issues with one of the products.
Receiving a new LMP key for the product having the licensing issue and went ahead and applying it with all the keys without issues.
Applying the EKG and it was due to expire 10 days later. IPL was not done on the system since the permanent keys were applied and getting the following messages for components of products not used and without licenses.
Assuming that will also getting the following message for the above product keys:
So this is why it seems that the EKG needs to be removed.
Common Services 15.0 - z/OS supported releases -
There is no way to remove an EKG code once it is activated, and in reality there is no functional reason to remove an EKG code. The EKG code is good for only ten days after the defined activation date.
When an EKG code is activated on a system, some CA Products that deliver multiple features will have all features activated and available. This is because an EKG code bypasses the specific 2-byte LMP product code check. So depending upon the CA Product, during product initialization all features may become active. This is evident in the above CAS9183A messages where all the features for CA-TPX and CA-DELIVER were allowed as a result of EKG.
So the CAS9183A warning messages can essentially be ignored since actual LMP keys have been loaded. When the EKG code expires in 1 day, the new license checks will be made against the valid LMP key(s) that has been loaded. Using any feature of the product for which there is not an explicit LMP key for will result in a violation message. So a recycle of the product after the EKG code expires is recommended and will prevent all product features from being made available, and only licensed features will be presented to the end users.
As for the CAS9125E message. This particular message would only be generated if the EKG code is activated after its valid time period.