"System cannot find the file specified" error
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"System cannot find the file specified" error


Article ID: 380949


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CA Harvest Software Change Manager CA Harvest Software Change Manager - OpenMake Meister


When trying to use hformsync to upload an updated copy of a form's xml, we're getting this error:

hformsync -b <brokername> -usr <userid> -pw <password> -f <form name>.xml -d "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SCM\Forms" & type hformsync.log
I00060040: New connection with Broker <brokername>  established.
The system cannot find the file specified.

We're sure the name of the file is spelled correctly, and have included the name of the folder it's in with the -d option.  But still we see the error. Any idea if this is referring to the xml file or some other file it can't find?


Harvest Software Change Manager all versions


The hformsync command was executed from a folder where the user did not have permission to create files.  With all the Harvest command line utilities, they are designed to write the results to a log file which gets created in the current working directory unless the "-o <filename>" option is specified.  


Executing the command from a directory that allows unrestricted access to creating and writing files resolved the problem.  

Using the "-o <path\filename>" option can also be used to redirect the command's log file to a folder with unrestricted read/write/create access.

Additional Information

You can read more about using the Harvest command line utilities here: Get Started with CA Harvest SCM Commands

The "The system cannot find the file specified." message is actually coming from Windows, not from Harvest.  There can be several reasons for this message but a common one is if the file it's looking for doesn't exist for some reason.  Lacking permissions to create the file would be a common cause for this type of message.

The equivalent in Linux would be "No such file or directory"  For example, if I change directory to a folder to which I do not have "write" permission and run hformsync from there, here's what I get:

$ hformsync -b <brokername> -usr <userid> -pw <harvest> -f <formname>.xml -d /opt/CA/scm/Forms ; cat hformsync.log
I00060040: New connection with Broker <brokername>  established.
cat: hformsync.log: No such file or directory