VIDM DNS changes after restart
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VIDM DNS changes after restart


Article ID: 380930


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


VIDM appliance after restart reverts to a different DNS entry. Changing it can temporarily resolve the issue however a restart will revert the entries back. 


VIDM 3.3.7


  • DNS misconfigurations
  • A need to change DNS configuration


  1. Check that the VAPP settings in Vcenter is set correctly as far as the nameserver
  2. Ensure the dns entries in /etc/resolv.conf is correct. 
  3. Check /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net for any of the incorrect DNS entries that the appliance is reverting to.
  4. Check configuration page for VIDM if it shows the correct FQDN
  5. Check the admin page for VIDM to ensure that the FQDN shows up correctly for each node.
  6. Check VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager for each of the nodes to ensure it has the correct FQDN and IP addresses.
  7. Check the DNS entries in /etc/systemd/network/ 
  8. Check the delegate IP address within /usr/local/etc/pgpool.conf ensure that it is correct.
  9. Check the DNS settings in /opt/vmware/share/vami/ 
  10. Run Remediate in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager if VIDM is not in a stable state.
  11. Use VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager to initiate a day 2 restart on the VIDM appliance.
  12. Follow to determine if there is a DB locked entry