After issuing the DDL line command in RC/Query for Db2 for z/OS (RCQ), the following error occurs:
RC=088, RCODE=0156 OFS Internal error
Object Framework Services (OFS) is a services layer that is used to perform Db2 system catalog access and generate DDL.
How can this be resolved?
Error RC=088, RCODE=0156 OFS Internal error in RCQ is a result of this user not having an OMVS segment defined.
This is a requirement for Object Framework Services which is the RCQ DDL generator. The error occurs because an
OMVS segment is needed for the user.
OFS uses UNIX System Services (USS) provided POSIX services. Access to OMVS is required. If the NO-OMVS setting in ACF2
or NOUID setting in RACF is specified, contact an administrator to remove this setting to enable user access to OMVS.
This requirement is documented under Product Authorization Requirements in the Database Management for Db2 for z/OS documentation.