When deploying a template with cloud.saltstack component fails on deploy minion task. In VRA UI you might see the error similar to this one
Resource [/resources/compute/2a315e4e-26ab-44c2-855c-8f8efbd7b5fc]:: SaltStack resource with job id [56eee591-e27c-41bd-995a-eeaebbd29c56] failed. Error:: 2024-10-29T10:31:04.538008: Minion deployment started. JID - 20241029103104507238 | 2024-10-29T10:35:49.473648: Minion deployment failed. JID - 20241029103104507238 | 2024-10-29T10:35:49.474096: Minion deployment and/or state file run failed.
Aria Automation 8.X
Aria Automation Config Appliance 8.X
When deploy.minion job fails on Aria Config and the minion machine is still available (up and reachable via network) you can debug the minion deployment process using salt-cloud
Steps for debuging deploy.minion job
1. Find the cloud.profile config for minion
SSH to the raas and find the "_profile" file in the /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory
example: ssc_gss-0611_profile.conf
deploy: true
- raas817.vcloud.local
password: Password1!
priv_key: ''
provider: ssc_saltify_provider
pub_key: ''
script_args: ' -x python3 stable 3005.5 '
ssh_username: gss
2. Edit the profile file and set deploy to "true":
deploy: true
3. Run command to deploy minion
salt-cloud -p <profile-name> <minionID> -l debug
profile-name - is the name of the profile file in /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ without ".conf"
minionID - can be anything unique
Example run of salt-cloud:
salt-cloud -p ssc_gss-0611_profile testA -l debug
4. When you run this in console, you should see why the deployment fails.
Example of the log, when salt-master cannot reach salt-mionion on port 22 (for linux)
[DEBUG ] Deploying at 2024-10-30 11:49:28
[DEBUG ] Attempting connection to host on port 22
[DEBUG ] Caught exception in wait_for_port: [Errno 113] No route to host
Example log when we salt-master can connect to the minion machine
[DEBUG ] SSH port 22 on is available
[DEBUG ] Using password authentication
[DEBUG ] Attempting to authenticate as gss (try 1 of 15)
[DEBUG ] SSH command: 'ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oControlPath=none -oConnectTimeout=15 -p 22 [email protected] date'
[DEBUG ] Child Forked! PID: 17931 STDOUT_FD: 4 STDERR_FD: 6
[DEBUG ] Terminal Command: s s h - o S t r i c t H o s t K e y C h e c k i n g = n o - o U s e r K n o w n H o s t s F i l e = / d e v / n u l l - o C o n t r o l P a t h = n o n e - o C o n n e c t T i m e o u t = 1 5 - p 2 2 g s s @ 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 1 0 . 1 0 1 d a t e
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[DEBUG ] Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password: [DEBUG ] [email protected]'s password:
Example error when minion fails to download the installtion files
[DEBUG ] Connection to closed.
* ERROR: https://repo.saltproject.io/py3/redhat/9/x86_64/archive/3005.5/SALTSTACK-GPG-KEY2.pub failed to download to /tmp/salt-gpg-aYm8DwCg.pub
* ERROR: Failed to run install_centos_stable_deps()!!!
[DEBUG ] * ERROR: https://repo.saltproject.io/py3/redhat/9/x86_64/archive/3005.5/SALTSTACK-GPG-KEY2.pub failed to download to /tmp/salt-gpg-aYm8DwCg.pub
* ERROR: Failed to run install_centos_stable_deps()!!!
Error: There was a profile error: Command 'ssh -t -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oControlPath=none -oConnectTimeout=15 -p 22 [email protected] 'sudo /tmp/.saltcloud-b9262717-6b3d-49b3-806c-9a6808b3f334/deploy.sh -c '"'"'/tmp/.saltcloud-b9262717-6b3d-49b3-806c-9a6808b3f334'"'"' -x python3 stable 3005.5 '' failed. Exit code: 1
root@raas817 [ /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d ]