KNOWN ISSUE: DS and GSS issue with Windows 11 24H2/LTSС 2024: Windows partition is not accessible from Preboot
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KNOWN ISSUE: DS and GSS issue with Windows 11 24H2/LTSС 2024: Windows partition is not accessible from Preboot


Article ID: 380892


Updated On:


Deployment Solution Ghost Solution Suite


Microsoft has introduced new installation wizard with Win11 24H2/LTSС 2024 that incorrectly sets attributes for Windows partition.

This may result in:

  • duplicate computer records
  • issues with static IP
  • fail to copy Preboot logs

Basically, any action that needs to copy file to/from Windows partition in WinPE while using GSS 3.3.x or Deployment Solution 8.7.x.


DS 8.7.x

GSS 3.3.x


changes done in Win11 24H2/LTSС 2024 for installation wizard.


The issue requires some steps to be performed manually using the built-in 'diskpart' tool:

select volume C:

detail volume

There is an additional issue in diskpart tool not being able to display the issue.

Run the following commands to view real volume attributes:

select disk <nr>

select partition <nr>

detail partition

Notice that the actual attribute doesn't equal to '0'

Run the following commands to fix the issue:

select volume C:

attributes volume clear noDefaultDriveLetter

Then verify that the actual attribute equals to '0'

After this step - both DS and GSS can access and work with the drive for further imaging and other tasks.