Under Auth0 it is possible to configure a SAML application to point to CloudHealth, and for it to act as an IDP.
Please following this guide to configure the email, name, and roles claim for an Auth0 SAML app.
To configure the claim rules and ACS URL and Entity ID please follow these steps:
Go to Dashboard > Applications > Applications and either create a new application or click the name of an application to update.
"audience": "https://access.broadcom.com/default",
"mappings": {
"email": "email",
"name": "name"
"mapUnknownClaimsAsIs": true
"roles": "<IDP Name of CloudHealth role>"
The IDP name for your role if using Classic Roles can be pulled via - https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-CloudHealth/SaaS/using-and-managing-vmware-tanzu-cloudhealth/GUID-managing-classic-organizations-if-applicable.html#configure-idp-with-roles-15 -> Custom Roles
If you're using FlexOrgs, this can be any combination, but would need to be assigned as the SSO Key / Value pair against the Usergroup you wish to map the user to.