Unable to create SNOW ticket when SOI is integrated with Universal HelpDesk API
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Unable to create SNOW ticket when SOI is integrated with Universal HelpDesk API


Article ID: 38086


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CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


I have an SOI 4.x integration with Service Now using the Universal HelpDesk API (No PAM is involved) which was working. Now, when I try to create a ticket in the SOI console, the ticket creation fails with "create ticket error.See CA Process Automation Workflow".




4.x integration with SNOW using Universal HelpDesk


In the soimgr-debug.log we can see the following errors indicating the SSL certificate on the SOI side does not match the SSL certificate on the  Service Now side.


sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find
valid certification path to requested target


We need to re-import the SSL certificate for Service Now in SOI:

- Login to http://<SOI_Manager>:7090/sam/admin/

- Click on 'SSL Certificates'

- Browse for the new SSL certificate

- Provide 'New Alias' name

- Select Overwrite = No

- Click Save

- Restart the SOI manager for those changes to take effect.

Note: This error can also happen if you use a mis-configured ticket action, so make sure the ticket action is properly configured.