When making a custom date field as required on a blueprint rule, the asterisk is not shown on the flyout or the properties page. In addition, when the date field is not initially filled in, other fields on the page can be edited and no error is given for this field..
Creating a new instance will display the popup modal for the required field and here the date field does have the asterisk.
1. Create a custom date field on an object. Could be an OOTB object/subobect such as Project or on a custom object.
- Do not make it required in Studio
2. On an associated blueprint create a rule to make the Date Field a required attribute.
- Always True -> Actions: Required Attributes - your date attribute
3. Add the field to the blueprint properties page.
4. Add this blueprint for a project.
5. Open the project
Expected Results: The date field shows with an asterisk on the project properties page as it is required on the bp rules.
Actual Result: There is no asterisk on the field in the properties page.
Work around: none
Reported as DE155776 and resolution targeted for 16.3.1
The asterisk does show on the create modal as well as when configuring the flyout to add the field.
However once added to the flyout the asterisk is removed.