User's are unable to login to TMC Self Managed and are getting below error upon log on:
errcode: 2004 errmsg: Unauthorized requestid: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
This is as a result of the group search filter in the values yaml file not being specific enough.
Pinniped itself has no limit on how many LDAP groups to which a user can belong, however, TMC-SM has a limit.
Tanzu Mission Control Self Managed 1.4
Group search filter not refined
Use the following for the groupSearchFilter value in the values file.
groupSearchFilter: "(&(objectClass=group)(member={})(|(cn=<tmc_admin>)(cn=<tmc_member>)))"
where <tmc_admin> and <tmc_member> are the group admin and member group names as per Active Directory groups.