'MANIFEST_ UNKNOWN: The named manifest is not known to the registry' Error when installing Tanzu Build Service (TBS)
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'MANIFEST_ UNKNOWN: The named manifest is not known to the registry' Error when installing Tanzu Build Service (TBS)


Article ID: 380745


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Application Platform VMware Tanzu Build Service


The issue occurs when installing Tanzu Build Service v1.13 using a profile and installing the Full Dependencies Package repository.

The user faces the below error when attempting to relocate the image per the docs using the command: 'imgpkg copy'

# Command Example (as per the docs mentioned above):

imgpkg copy \
  -b registry.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-application-platform/full-deps-package-repo:VERSION \
  --to-repo ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/full-deps-package-repo


# Error Output:

imgpkg: ErIor: Fetching image:
GET https://tanzu-build.packages.broadcom.com/v2/tanzu-application-platform/full-deps-package-repo/manifests/1.13.0:
MANIFEST_ UNKNOWN: The named manifest is not known to the registry.; map[manifest:tanzu-application-platform/full-deps-package-repo/1.13.0/manifest.json]




The documentation needs updating to reflect the new/current location.  The full dependencies package repo location has changed.  The current location can be found at:



  • Change/edit the repo location in the command, as shown below:


# From: 
imgpkg copy \
  -b registry.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-application-platform/full-deps-package-repo:VERSION \
  --to-repo ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/full-deps-package-repo

# To:
imgpkg copy \  
-b tanzu.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-application-platform/full-deps-package-repo:{TAP_VERSION} \  
--to-repo ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/${TARGET-REPOSITORY}/full-deps-package-repo


  • VMware by Broadcom documentation team is aware of said locations changes and will be updating the docs accordingly.

Additional Information

  • The officially supported standalone release goes up to v1.13.x. (v1.15.x was accidentally released to the standalone repo) 
  • The rule of thumb is:

    • 'tanzu-build.packages.broadcom.com' is for tbs standalone, TBS dependencies updater, Tanzu buildpacks & stacks

    • 'tanzu.packages.broadcom.com' is for TAP, and TBS full dependencies.

    • To find the available images for the entire registry, run command: 'crane catalog tanzu-build.packages.broadcom.com'