Understanding the Lifecycle Manager File Migration Warning During vCenter Upgrades
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Understanding the Lifecycle Manager File Migration Warning During vCenter Upgrades


Article ID: 380723


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


During vCenter Server pre-update checks, users may encounter the following warning message:

Warning: Files that cannot be used with Lifecycle Manager will not be copied from the source.
These files include VM guest OS patch baselines, host upgrade baselines and files, and
ESXi 6.5 and lower version host patches baselines.

Resolution: Please review VMware Lifecycle Manager Documentation for details


  • vSphere environments upgrading to version 7.0 or later
  • Environments using legacy baselines and patch management systems
  • Systems preparing for vCenter Server upgrades


This warning appears during pre-upgrade checks when the system detects legacy baseline configurations and patch management files that are not compatible with the newer vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) architecture.

The warning is triggered because:

  • The upgrade process will not migrate certain legacy files
  • The system is transitioning to a new architecture for lifecycle management
  • Older baseline types are being deprecated in favor of vLCM Images


This warning can be safely acknowledged, and the upgrade can proceed after taking the following precautions:

  1. Backup Preparation
    1.  Take snapshots of the vCenter Server
    2. Perform regular backup procedures according to your organization's policies

  2. Verify Environment Compatibility
    1. Ensure all managed hosts are running ESXi 7.0 or later
    2. Confirm all critical workloads are compatible with the target vCenter version

  3. Post-Upgrade Actions
    1. Plan to create new baselines using vLCM Images
    2. Begin transitioning from traditional baselines to vLCM Images
    3. Configure new driver updates through Lifecycle Manager in the vSphere client

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