Stop the auto 'Agent Updates' from occurring
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Stop the auto 'Agent Updates' from occurring


Article ID: 380722


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


How to stop the Agent from updating on endpoints when the jobs occur automatically?


GSS 3.x


Follow these steps to stop the auto agent update process

  1. In the GSS Console go to the 'Jobs' section
  2. Under System Jobs >  Agent Update Jobs | Right Click > Permissions
  3. By default we use the Administrators Group | Click on the 'Groups' tab | Administrators
  4. The job uses the 'Copy FIle to' | Look for the 'Copy File to' under 'Permission' column
  5. Enable the 'Deny' Permission for the task
  6. Also, enable 'Set permission on all child objects' ( this will apply all auto-generated tasks that gets created )
  7. Click 'OK'