Time period during the ACF2 switching Databases
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Time period during the ACF2 switching Databases


Article ID: 380680


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ACF2 - z/OS


On our Lpar I can switch ACF2 from its primary databases to its alternate databases in 0.05 seconds (the period between the two messages "ACF79346 DB SWITCH STARTED" and "ACF79347 DB SWITCH COMPLETED" displayed in MVS syslog. Please confirm that ACF2 is still performing access/logonid validations during this short period.


Product: ACF2


The SWITCH command should only be executed during a time when minimal updates are being made to the ACF2 databases.

ACF2 will perform access and logonid validations when processing the SWITCH command, and if ACF2 is not able to validate any resource or dataset validation or system access request will receive an ACF2 ACF9BCCC or ACF9CCCC message prompting(console prompt) for a response of 'U' to continue, 'C' to cancel or 'W' to wait while ACF2 is down.

If the operator replies with a U, the job continues without CA ACF2 access controls. Replying with a C flushes the job without further intervention. If the operator replies with a W, CA ACF2 security routines wait for CA ACF2 to become ready to process requests.