Debezium Pod stuck in the "FailedPostStartHook" state causes NSX intelligence Activation to fail
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Debezium Pod stuck in the "FailedPostStartHook" state causes NSX intelligence Activation to fail


Article ID: 380665


Updated On:


VMware vDefend Firewall VMware vDefend Firewall with Advanced Threat Prevention


Users may encounter issues with the Debezium pod being frequently stuck in the "FailedPostStartHook" state, leading to the Intelligence component being down and resulting in degraded performance of the NAPP system.


All Napp Versions



This issue arises when the Debezium pod fails to register the connector due to the cluster not being ready, resulting in the pod entering a crash loop backoff state.


Vmware by Broadcom is aware of this issue and the fix will be merged in a future release.

To workaround this issue, follow these steps:

1. Edit the Debezium deployment by accessing NSX manager via SSH mode using root account :

napp-k edit deployment debezium-onprem

2. In the lifecycle postStart command:  

change sleep 60 to sleep 90,

and also change >> /home/vmware/register-debezium-$(date +%F-%H-%M-%S).log to 2>&1 for better logging


This adjustment allows more time for the cluster to stabilize before the connector registration attempt, improving the chances of successful activation.