App definition shows double count of members in list but is correct in app definition detail
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App definition shows double count of members in list but is correct in app definition detail


Article ID: 380653


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VMware Aria Operations for Networks


The VMs included in the Application definition are discovered through a VMware Cloud on AWS NSX data source.

The Application definition shows a double count of members in the Application list. When you hover over the members count for the tool tip, it reveals the correct number of VMs and also shows the same number of physical IPs. The expected member count in the example below is 4 (not 8), with only VMs defined (not Physical IPs).

When drilling into the Application definition detail, it shows only the correct VMs and VM count associated with the Application definition and shows no Physical IPs defined and the Physical IP count is 0.


VMware vRealize Network Insight 6.9
Aria Operations for Networks 6.10.0
Aria Operations for Networks 6.11.0
Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.0
Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.1
Aria Operations for Networks 6.13.0
Aria Operations for Networks 6.14.0


Incorrect permissions for account used to authenticate in Data Source for VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts NSX Manager.


Assign Administrator and NSX Cloud Admin service roles to the VMC account used to authenticate the Data Source in Aria Operations for Networks.

Note that Cloud Admin service role in VMC does not have the correct permissions. You must assign correct NSX permissions to resolve this issue.