Host Profile Compliance Fails with "Ruleset HPProvider not found" Error
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Host Profile Compliance Fails with "Ruleset HPProvider not found" Error


Article ID: 380646


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


When applying a host profile to an ESXi host, the remediation fails with the error message "Ruleset HPProvider not found". This occurs when the source host used to create the profile contains certain HPE VIBs that are not present on the target host.


- VMware ESXi 7.0 and later
- Host profiles created from hosts with specific HPE VIBs installed
- vCenter Server 7.0 and later


  1. This issue occurs when a host profile is created from a source host that has HPE VIBs installed which create custom firewall rulesets. When attempting to apply this profile to target hosts missing these VIBs, the firewall ruleset configuration fails because the required components are not present.


There are three possible solutions to resolve this issue:

  • Edit the existing host profile:

    1. Navigate to the host profile in the vSphere Client
    2. Edit the host profile settings
    3. Locate and uncheck the HPProvider under Ruleset configuration
    4. Save the profile
    5. Retry the host profile remediation

  • Install the missing VIBs:
    1. Identify which HPE VIBs are missing from the target host using:
      • esxcli software vib list
    2. Install the required VIBs on the target host
    3. Retry the host profile remediation

  • Create a new host profile:
    1. Remove the excess HPE VIBs from the source host or select a different source host without these VIBs
    2. Create a new host profile from the modified/alternate source host
    3. Apply the new profile to the hosts

Additional Information

- Before implementing any solution, verify the complete list of VIBs on both source and target hosts using:

esxcli software vib list
esxcli software component list

Related KB Article: Host profile compliance fails with dynamic ruleset error due to SNMP