I am not able to download a REST GUI. How can I get a list of retired items from the command line?
Dx NetOps Performance Management any version
To get a list of retired items perform the following steps
Create a file /tmp/retired.xml
<FilterSelect xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filter.xsd">
<And><Lifecycle.State type="EQUAL">RETIRED</Lifecycle.State><Not><Item.Name type="CONTAINS">DataAggregator:</Item.Name></Not><Not><Item.Name type="CONTAINS">DataCollector</Item.Name></Not></And>
<Select use="exclude" isa="exclude" relatesto="exclude">
<Item use="exclude">
<Name use="include"/>
<Device use="exclude">
<PrimaryIPAddress use="include"/>
<Lifecycle use="exclude">
<State use="include"/>
3. Run the following command: