ID is not auto-numbering when a CIT is created using copy feature
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ID is not auto-numbering when a CIT is created using copy feature


Article ID: 380608


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS



  1. CIT (Custom Investment) object is created
  2. Access rights to copy instances of the CIT are provided to the profile under use
  3. Two sub-objects are created to the CIT mentioned above
  4. On the first sub-object, a lookup attribute is created, which relies on a dynamic lookup


  1. A new instance is created of the CIT. One instance each of the sub-objects is also created
  2. At this point assume that the lookup attribute stores value against this instance as 25 in the relevant table and column
  3. A copy of the CIT instance is made
  4. At this point it is expected that the value 25 mentioned above is incremented by one, to 26


  • This expectation is misplaced
  • ID, ODF_PARENT_ID (meta data) columns are incremented between the parent instance and the copied instance without any issues
  • Data stored in the original instance is not touched, but copied over as it is.