TKGI Management Console reports "error validating Ops Manager ntp: Command error output: ntp servers provided invalid , error: exit status 1"
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TKGI Management Console reports "error validating Ops Manager ntp: Command error output: ntp servers provided invalid , error: exit status 1"


Article ID: 380566


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition


After performing "APPLY CONFIGURATION" in TKGI Management Console, "Deploy ops-manager" phase failed with the following error.

error validating Ops Manager ntp: Command error output: ntp servers provided invalid , error: exit status 1


TKGI Management Console


NTP validation check failed when reach column includes "0"

Example output in ops-manager VM.

# cat /home/ubuntu/ntpcheck.log
     remote     refid             st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 <NTP-SERVER-1> <Reference NTP>   16 u  620   64    0    0.000   +0.000   0.000
 <NTP-SERVER-2> <Reference NTP>   3  u   61   64    1   26.835   +0.536   0.000


1. Review if the NTP server is valid

TKGI Management Console --> TKGI Configuration --> 2. Networking --> NTP Server


2. Fix the NTP server configuration in ops-manager

The NTP servers are correct but not synchronized with the Ops Manager. Manually correct the synchronization.

ssh ubuntu@${OPSMAN_IPADDR}

# If there is a significant difference in the local time, adjust it manually
sudo systemctl stop ntp
sudo systemctl status ntp
sudo ntpd -q
sudo systemctl start ntp

# Check
sudo systemctl status ntp
sudo ntpq -np
#>     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
#> ==============================================================================
#> *192.168.#.#    #.#.#.#     2 u  136  256  377    0.713   +0.935   0.255