HCX Site Pairing down shows deactivated.
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HCX Site Pairing down shows deactivated.


Article ID: 380553


Updated On:


VMware HCX


When upgrading to 4.9.1, you may have one or more site pairings show "Deactivated".. Typically this is in hosted environments, like Microsoft, or AWS.



HCX 4.9.1




Possible Causes:

1. API Generated Key is expired in Target vendor's Database.

2. The target or source sides had an event  that prevented the site pairing from reaching the activation servers for more than 14 days.

3. Possible that the site-pairing is deactivated for some other reason on the back end.

4. Vendor that generated the API Key sent a deactivation request at some previous date.


Open a ticket with Broadcom HCX.

Collect the following information:

     Screenshots of the Error, name the files in such a way as to distinguish between source and target side.

     Screenshots of the licensing status windows.(source and target)

      Text versions of the information in the screenshots, in the event the screenshots have some areas that are blurry.

      Source and Destination Logs, you may need to engage partner, or Broadcom to collect one side of those logs, depending on how your environment is set up.

    API call logs regarding the API Key in question. This info will likely come from the vendor, (e.g. Microsoft, Amazon, Google)