MUX Staffing View Export adjusts field order for some columns
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MUX Staffing View Export adjusts field order for some columns


Article ID: 380541


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


In Clarity MUX, Staffing module, Staff Tab, have a view with multiple columns, Investment fields, (pinned to the left), then Staffing fields grouped together, followed by Actuals and ETC columns.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create view and set view field order like the following:
    (Investment) Manager, Name, Investment ID, Start Finish (pinned to left)
    Then (Staff) Resource, Start, Finish, Default Allocation, ETC, Allocation, Resource Manager, Role
    Then (Investment) Type, followed by Fiscal Year Actuals, ETC, Remaining Availability, Allocation, and Remaining Allocation.
  2. Export to Excel

Expected Result: CSV export column order output shows correct field order
Actual Results: Staff Resource first and then the remaining columns in expected order
Workaround: None



Issue is not reproducible in current release 16.3.1. These are related defects and the issue is fixed after these defect merges:
DE116258 - Export to CSV shows incorrect data in CSV as with Total column pin it seems to shift one cell to the right(right pin)
DE116073 - Export to CSV does not contain correct data when 'Show Total Row' is set to True