If your blueprint has the Department and Location fields on the properties page, entering those values and then clicking on the Financials tab throws an error stating "You must associate this investment with an entity before a financial plan can be set up." Similar to clicking on Financials tab when no department and location are entered.
1. Add Department and Location to the project blueprint properties
2. Use a project that has no department or location or cost plan
3. Open the project and add a Department and Location
4. Click on Financials tab
Expected Results: Financial Tab opens and plans can be created
Actual Result: "Error: You must associate this investment with an entity before a financial plan can be set up." appears
Work around: Refresh the Financials page or add the Department and Location from the Grid page
16.1.3, 16.2.1, 16,2,2 16,2,3
Reported as DE155579 and resolved in 16.3.1