Tentative schedule does not maintain correct dependencies
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Tentative schedule does not maintain correct dependencies


Article ID: 380498


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When using "Tentative Schedule" functionality in Tasks (Timeline), if you have a Start-Start dependency between two tasks then when you 
shift the first task it works correctly but if you change the duration (extend the finish date of the First task), then graphically on the Timeline Clarity apply Finish-Start dependency type.
Although if you look at the Dependency tab it's correctly set to Start-Start and 0 lag.

Steps To Reproduce:

1. Create or open a Project in Modern UX
2. In a Task Timeline page create Two tasks (Task A and Task B) with Start-Start dependencies with zero lag (in other words having the same start date)
3. Click on Task A and drag to the right, the second task moves along correctly as expected to maintain Start-Start dependency
4. Now only extend the finish date of Task A by moving it further out by a month

Task A and Task B still have the same start date and have a Start-Start dependency type

Task B start date is shifted further out by the same duration that Task A finish date was shifted and dependency type is like Finish-Start 


Clarity version 16.2.2, 16.2.3




This is deemed to be working as Designed. Using the Tentative Schedule does not invoke any scheduler rules. It only 'moves' the task dates 'relative' to the changes in duration, Finish date, or Start date. 

Additional Information

Workaround: Use Autoschedule to move tasks based on scheduler rules based on the task dependency relationship type, the Dependency Lag and other parameters.