Following upgrade to 8.17.0, Owner of planned deployments are not set when executing onboarding plans
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Following upgrade to 8.17.0, Owner of planned deployments are not set when executing onboarding plans


Article ID: 380489


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • The source of this issue is that onboarding deployments from vRA 7.x installation
  • The Change Owner in OB isn't executing successfully in the GUI either.
  • It goes through successfully up until the Change Owner step, which does not execute. It doesn't appear in deployment History.
  • If we execute the plan manually, the result is the same: the OB plan ends in "Error", but it actually does get onboarded but the owner not changed.


VMware Aria Automation 8.17.0


There is new feature called "Show names of Users" and finished it in 8.18.1, but we mistakenly made the Admin settings visible early (vRA-8.17.0).

  • similar exceptions can see in log 
    2024-09-15T17:11:52.041Z ERROR catalog-service-app [host='catalog-service-app-5cd58454bd-29jsx' thread='scheduling-2' user='' org='' trace='8494ce62-1671-4b2a-a683-b6cb247297f4'] c.v.t.d.s.UserDetailsSyncServiceImpl - Error: User details not found for User ID: relocation-tjdIx9pnpvJDMtNV, details sync will be skipped
    org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClientResponseException$NotFound: 404 Not Found
            at org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClientResponseException.create(
            Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException:
    Error has been observed at the following site(s):
            *__checkpoint ⇢ 404 from GET http://identity-service.prelude.svc.cluster.local/csp/gateway/am/api/users/relocation-tjdIx9pnpvJDMtNV [DefaultWebClient]
    Original Stack Trace:
  • Not sure if this could be the root cause, but ChangeOwner deals with User information as well, so we better clean up all suspicious.


we can disable the "Show names of Users" feature on 8.17.0 and then give 15 minutes to update the system.

         Assembler -> Infrastructure -> Setting -> Show names of Users -> toggle off

         After the disable, we can try a new onboard plan with Edit Owner request


Note: but there was a long delay before the Owner and Requested By fields in the deployment were updated. Immediately after the "Change Owner" execution that VM onboarding triggered the fields were empty.
Then after several hours  they had been populated. and Regarding the long delay, IMO it is expected.
Disabling this feature requires some time for the system to adjust and clean the scheduler queue. After a few days, the system should respond immediately.