Cores were missing in the report due to the vCenter collection issue.
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Cores were missing in the report due to the vCenter collection issue.


Article ID: 380483


Updated On:


VMware Usage Meter


The VC collector is encountering an "Out of Memory" error, likely due to the accumulation of a large number of unprocessed events.

The root cause appears to be a read timeout during the event collection process.


VMware vCloud Usage Meter 4.x


This issue occurs when the UM appliance has the large number of unprocessed events were due to read timeout.


To resolve this issue:


  • Increase the UM appliance memory.
  • Then, to increase the operating memory for VC collector from 1024 to 3072.
  • update the value for the vcenter collector’s extraJavaOpts property in the file below:/opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/platform/conf/schedule-executions/command.yml
  • reboot the appliance

Additional Information

Collector logs are located at: /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/platform/log/

The Journal logs are located at: /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/platform/log/vmware-um-journal.log