No Events When Selecting an Alert from the Triage Alerts Page
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No Events When Selecting an Alert from the Triage Alerts Page


Article ID: 380456


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


When selecting an alert from triage alerts, the process analysis page displays a tree with no events below. A message of:

No events are available. You may be able to view events from the beginning of the process


  • Carbon Black EDR Console: All Versions


Nearest segment is also a watchlist segment


This is working as designed.

Triage alerts are based on watchlist or feed hits. For query based hits the process document's basic info is copied and a new segment is created with a watchlist hit timestamp with no events. The application will attempt to use the nearest segment to display events. If the nearest segment is also a watchlist hit the events will be empty. 

To display the events, select the "beginning of the process" hyperlink which will take you to the first segment in time available for the process.