Multiple tabs created when clicking on "VMware Aria Operations Configuration" plugin in vCenter UI
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Multiple tabs created when clicking on "VMware Aria Operations Configuration" plugin in vCenter UI


Article ID: 380448


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


On vSphere 8.x new "VMware Aria Operations Configuration" was introduced.  
When customer click on this new plugin, it spawned infinitively multiple tabs on the browser.


Aria Operations 8.x and later.

VMware vCenter 8.x


  • This issue could arise only in case of linked VCs.
  • Old Ops plugin is registered in one of the linked VCs but were never got cleaned up properly.
  • Old Extensions "com.vmware.vrops" and "com.vmware.vcops" existed in linked VCs.


  1. Unregister VC from Aria Operations via the following KB article:
  2. Access the MOB UI of all linked VCs, find and unregister extensions "com.vmware.vrops" and "com.vmware.vcops" from these linked VCs via the following KB article:

Once the "com.vmware.vrops" and "com.vmware.vcops" extensions have been removed, log back into Aria Operations, and re-register the VC.  Once VC is registered, the "VMware Aria Operations Configuration" plugin will no longer showing in the VC.

Additional Information

The issue will be fixed in a future release of the product.