Error: "System has paused replication: Disk added to VM" When replicating Proxy VM's using VMware Cloud Director Availability.
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Error: "System has paused replication: Disk added to VM" When replicating Proxy VM's using VMware Cloud Director Availability.


Article ID: 380424


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


When replicating a Proxy VM in VMware Cloud Director Availability during the backup cycle performed by the Proxy VM the replication is automatically paused.


VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.x


This issue occurs due to the Proxy Backup VM hot adding disks to perform a backup within the Proxy VM OS. HBR is detecting the addition of an additional disk to the Proxy VM and this will pause the replication until the newly added disk is configured for replication.


In order to protect a backup proxy VM with VMware Cloud Director Availability, change the backup software configuration so that it does not use the hot-add method.