delete-orphaned-routes cf cli command fails with unknown error
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delete-orphaned-routes cf cli command fails with unknown error


Article ID: 380414


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs


When running the following delete-orphaned-routes command an unknown error is returned.

~> cf delete-orphaned-routes -f
Deleting orphaned routes as admin...
Job (<GUID>) failed: An unknown error occurred.


Upon inspection of the cloud_controller_worker logs we will find the following database error code "CF-ForeignKeyConstraintViolation"

./cloud_controller_worker.<GUID>.2024-10-21-21-52-21.tgz-extracted/cloud_controller_worker/cloud_controller_worker.log.6:{"timestamp":"2024-09-13T05:32:40.949646562Z","message":"Request failed: 500: {\"error_code\"=>\"UnknownError\", \"description\"=>\"An unknown error occurred.\", \"code\"=>10001, \"test_mode_info\"=>{\"description\"=>\"Mysql2::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`ccdb`.`route_labels`, CONSTRAINT `fk_route_labels_resource_guid` FOREIGN KEY (`resource_guid`) REFERENCES `routes` (`guid`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT)\", \"error_code\"=>\"CF-ForeignKeyConstraintViolation\", \"backtrace\"=>[



The foreign key constraint error is triggered because the orphaned route has a label associated with it and the delete-orphaned-routes cli command is not checking and deleting the labels prior to deleting the route. 

you can check for labels on your route using this command

~> cf labels route
Getting labels for route in org danl / space dev as admin...

key   value
mykey    myvalue


To workaround this error you can delete the route manually using "cf delete-route" which will automatically clean up the label references.  Alternatively you can run the below command to remove labels from the given route and then rerun the delete-orphaned-routes command

cf unset-label  route mykey