ERROR | XXXX-XX-XX | com.vmware.pscoe.library.guestops.Guest ] Guest operation failed with error: Could not create folder under guest at 'c:\XXXXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXX' : InternalError: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException (Dynamic Script Module name : XXXXX#XX) at Dynamic Script Module name : XXXXX:XX(XXXXXXXXX) at Dynamic Script Module name : XXXXX:XX
Prior to proceeding take snapshot of the orchestrator instance.
To resolve the issue Install attached vSphere plugin version by following the steps contained in Install, update, or delete a plug-in
Plug-in 'VC' (8.1.1 build 24147893) already exists and has equal or newer version than (8.1.1 build 24070852). Keeping existing plug-in.
1. Take snapshot of the environment (all Aria Automation or Orchestrator nodes).
2. Delete the Out of The Box vCenter Plugin completely.
3. Apply the Plugin attached to the KB.