CSP-97727: Patch instructions to upgrade Photon-OS Library
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CSP-97727: Patch instructions to upgrade Photon-OS Library


Article ID: 380348


Updated On:




This article provides important information for upgrading the Photon OS libraries to fix security vulnerabilities.

List of affected version

Product Component  


Applicable CVE(s) 

VMware Identity Manager Appliance



CVE-2023-32067,  CVE-2023-31147

CVE-2023-20867, CVE-2023-48795

CVE-2023-51384, CVE-2023-51385

CVE-2019-18276, CVE-2023-31486

CVE-2023-2953, CVE-2023-31124

CVE-2023-38039, CVE-2023-34058

CVE-2023-34059, CVE-2023-29499

CVE-2023-32611, CVE-2023-32636

CVE-2023-32643, CVE-2023-32665

CVE-2023-7104, CVE-2023-42465

CVE-2023-4408, CVE-2023-50387

CVE-2023-50868, CVE-2023-5517

CVE-2023-5679, CVE-2023-6516

CVE-2024-33600, CVE-2024-33601

CVE-2024-33602, CVE-2024-0743

CVE-2024-38428, CVE-2024-34459

CVE-2024-37370, CVE-2024-37371

CVE-2024-44987, CVE-2024-44998

CVE-2024-44999, CVE-2024-46673

CVE-2024-46674, CVE-2023-6597

CVE-2024-45490, CVE-2024-45491


CVE-2024-1086, CVE-2024-0607

CVE-2022-41218, CVE-2022-3628

CVE-2023-0458, CVE-2022-36280

CVE-2022-3424, CVE-2023-0266

CVE-2023-28328, CVE-2022-47929

CVE-2023-0394, CVE-2023-23455

CVE-2023-0461, CVE-2023-2952

CVE-2019-17026, CVE-2020-15656




VMware Identity Manager 3.3.x


Before You Begin:

  1. It is recommended to upgrade instances of unsupported versions to newer, supported versions first before applying the patch. This procedure will not work for other versions. Please refer to the VMware Lifecycle Matrix https://support.broadcom.com/group/ecx/productlifecycle#/ for the list of supported versions of the product.

  2. It is strongly recommended to take a snapshot or backup of the Appliance(s) and the database server before applying the procedure.

  3. The patch is compatible with the grub2 file. Use the following command to search for the grub file. "ls -ltr /boot/grub" OR "ls -ltr /boot/grub2" (grub.cfg should be present in the output) If the grub.cfg file is missing or if grub is running below version 2.0, please update grub to version 2.0 before applying the patch. If you're unsure how to add or update the grub file, please contact the support team for assistance.


Patch Deployment Procedure:

  1. Login as sshuser, sudo to root level access

  2. Download and transfer CSP-97727-Appliance-3.3.7.zip to the virtual appliance. This zip file can be saved anywhere on the file system. VMware recommends SCP protocol to transfer the file to the appliance. Tools such as winscp can also be used to transfer the file to the appliance.

  3. Unzip the file using the command below.
    unzip CSP-97727-Appliance-3.3.7.zip -d CSP-97727-Appliance-3.3.7

  4. Navigate to the files within the unzipped folder using the command below.
    cd CSP-97727-Appliance-3.3.7

  5. Run the patch script using the below command

Note: If you are running a cluster deployment, repeat the steps above on all additional nodes of the cluster.

Patch Deployment Validations:

After the patch deployment, perform the below steps to confirm the patch has been applied successfully

  1. Login as an Administrator to the VIDM Console and verify the System Diagnostics page is green.

  2. If the patch is applied successfully you can find a flag file created as CSP-97727-3.3.7-hotfix.applied in the /usr/local/horizon/conf/flags directory.

  3. Login as a local administrator into the Service and navigate to the Legacy Connector page. Click on the Worker link and check whether the auth adapters load under the "Auth Adapters" tab. Click on any Enabled auth adapter and check if the page opens correctly. 

  4. Perform Directory Sync to validate that users/groups are synced.

  5. Check in the UI portal, if all tabs open properly, including the cfg page https://<vidm-hostname>:8443


  • If you are running a cluster deployment, repeat the steps above on all additional nodes of the cluster.

  • Patch application should be sequential i.e Primary -> Secondary -> Secondary Nodes

  • User needs to run Remediate action from LCM on the vIDM cluster if vRLCM version is 8.12.0 and below

  • For vRLCM version 8.14.0 and above, Auto recovery would take care of the cluster health on reboot.

  • This is a cumulative patch and this will perform an installation of other patches including CSP-96928-Appliance-3.3.7.zip, CSP-95247, CSP-93316, CSP-91401, CSP-90495, HW-189454, and HW-170932.

Related Information:

To revert this patch, you can revert to the appliance(s) snapshot and the database backup taken before applying these steps.