Gen 8.6 Traditional Chinese/Big5 application corrupted characters
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Gen 8.6 Traditional Chinese/Big5 application corrupted characters


Article ID: 38034


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


After Gen upgrade from 6.0 to 8.x a Gen client/server application that runs under the Traditional Chinese/Big5 Windows locale has some characters corrupted after flow from the Gen client to the Gen z/OS server and return. These are not User Defined Characters (UDC).


Post Gen 6.0 GA there was a change to the content of the Gen codepage translation tables for Windows Big5 (codepage 950) <-> IBM z/OS Traditional Chinese (codepage 937) because of a switch from using the IBM to Microsoft codepage on the Windows OS.

The problems can be circumvented by reverting to the 6.0 GA translation tables for 950 <-> 937 on the z/OS server and rebuilding TIRCRUNC: Customizing and Installing z/OS User Exits > MKCRUN - Make C Runtimes - TIRCRUNC (CICS) and TIRCRUNI (IMS)

The 2 table names are as follows:

ADKJADLG (937 -> 950) 

ADLGADKJ (950 -> 937) 

A copy of both 6.0 GA tables is attached.

Additional Information

This problem is still being investigated by Engineering and will be fixed in a future Gen 8.6 PTF.

Attachments get_app