Prometheus helm chart YAML shows many errors: "expects value of type 'number', but received 'number'"
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Prometheus helm chart YAML shows many errors: "expects value of type 'number', but received 'number'"


Article ID: 380306


Updated On:


Tanzu Mission Control Tanzu Mission Control Prepaid Commitment Plan per Core VMware Tanzu Mission Control



  • You attempt to Deploy Prometheus Helm Chart (any version) through Tanzu Mission Control console UI.

  • During attempts, when you view the YAML tab window, and make any attempts to update the YAML, the UI immediately shows many YAML translation errors.

Example errors:

To exit text editor press CtrI+M on Windows and Linux or Ctrl+Shift+M on OSX
alertmanager-containerPorts-Cluster expects value of type 'number', but received 'number'
alertmanager-containerPorts-http expects value of type 'number', but received 'number"
alertmanager-containerSecurityContext-runAsGroup expects value of type 'number', but received 'number'
alertmanager-containerSecurityContext-runAsUser expects value of type 'number", but received 'number'
alertmanager-livenessProbe-failureThreshold expects value of type 'number', but received 'number'
alertmanager-livenessProbe-initialDelaySeconds expects value of type 'number', but received 'number'




TMC R&D has identified an issue in the TMC console UI while validating the value schema against provided values. 

TMC R&D is working on the fix and will apply it in a future release.  

Refer to the workaround. 

Update: 2024.11.19

Engineering has reported that the Fix was released to production. 



Use the tanzu tmc CLI plugin to create the helm release.


  • Create prometheus_values.yaml for the desired configs for prometheus helm release

  • Create prometheus_install.yaml file with sample contents below, replace cluster details per your environment


name = desired name of the helm release.  In this example we use prom1

namespaceName = desired namespace where helm resources will be installed.  In this example we use tanzu-helm-resources for namespace as default value 

  clusterName: navids-kind
  managementClusterName: attached
  name: prom1
  namespaceName: tanzu-helm-resources
  provisionerName: attached
meta: {}
    chart: prometheus
    repositoryName: bitnami
    repositoryType: HELM
    version: 1.3.23
  interval: 600s
  kind: Release
  package: vmware.tanzu.manage.v1alpha1.cluster.namespace.fluxcd.helm.release
  version: v1alpha1

  • Save the two files 

  • If not created already, either:

    • Create a tanzu CLI context for your TMC environment
    • tanzu login
  • Then, create the helm release:
tanzu tmc helm release create --scope cluster -f prometheus_install.yaml --values prometheus_values.yaml

Additional Information

The TMC Bug internal reference ID: CSSD-1879600

Update: 2024.11.19

Engineering has reported that the Fix for CSSD-1879600 was released to production today.