Unable to find attribute via search in Project Audit tab
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Unable to find attribute via search in Project Audit tab


Article ID: 380290


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Under Projects>>Audit; the quick search is not finding the attributes

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Create a new attribute on Project Object
  2. Use a two word name ex - Attribute Review
  3. Make api enabled
  4. Go to MUX
  5. Create a new Project Blueprint
  6. Add the Audit module
  7. Go to Project List
  8. Create a new project and associate the new Blueprint
  9. Add the new attribute to the columns
  10. Update the attribute a few times
  11. Open the project
  12. Go to Audit tab
  13. in the quick search field, enter review

Expected Results: It will filter and the Attribute Review will be on the grid view

Actual Results: Nothing is returned


All supported releases


Reviewed on DE155342 and determined this is by design


The search field only filters on Attribute ID and/or Object ID.  It does not look at Attribute Name.

Example - If the user has the attribute name as Date Review and the attribute ID as daterev, it appears that it is searching on the attribute name.  But if you type in 'review' it will not show because the attribute ID only has 'rev'.