apm_bridge 'Verify TAS' fails 404 error
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apm_bridge 'Verify TAS' fails 404 error


Article ID: 380284


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


apm_bridge 'Verify TAS' fails with 404

Error captured in apm_bridge.log

[attach_socket, apm_bridge] Checking TAS connection: https://<apmserviceshost>:443/tas/graph/query
[attach_socket, apm_bridge] Response Code from validateResponseFromNASS(): 404
[attach_socket, apm_bridge] Response Code : 404
[attach_socket, apm_bridge] Response PDS From Probe >>>>>>>>>>>> PDS [ht={status=Element [buf=null, pds=null, tpds=null, type=7, value=TAS url is unavailable. :404]}]


apm_bridge 1.10+


1. Generate a new tenant token in DX Operational Observability

2. Open the apm_bridge configuration menu in Admin Console

3. Select the TAS profile and enter the new tenant token

4. Click on the Actions pull down menu

5. Select Verify TAS to confirm that a Success pop menu id displayed, save the change

6. Optional - Update the oi_connector with the new tenant for consistency