Users can use the xog read a project with dependencies successfully, but the xog write limits the predecessor and successor IDs to 20 characters and will faill.
The UI shows the character limit at 36.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Create a project
- Add three tasks with IDs greater than 20 characters, less than 36
- Make the tasks a successors and/or predecessors
- Xog out the project using prj_projects_read.xml
- Without making any changes, try to xog back
Expected Results: The xog will be successful
Actual Results: Xog fails with Fatal error
<Description>[Error] :1:1: attribute "predTaskID" has a bad value: the length of the value is 25, but the required maximum is 20.
Invalid attribute in input document. Please remove all instances of attribute from document elements and try again.
[Element : Dependency, Attribute : predTaskID ].
<Exception type="java.lang.Exception">Invalid xml data</Exception>