After upgrading to Aria Orchestrator 8.18.x we see the following Error "Your subscription has expired. The core product operations are unavailable. Please contact your Account Manager or Customer Success Manager to renew your license."
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After upgrading to Aria Orchestrator 8.18.x we see the following Error "Your subscription has expired. The core product operations are unavailable. Please contact your Account Manager or Customer Success Manager to renew your license."


Article ID: 380260


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


Since upgrading to 8.18.x we see the following when trying to run actions or workflows in Aria Orchestrator


We would see similar in the vco-server-app.log 


2024-07-22T04:03:42.697Z WARN vco [host='vco-app-7bfd6d5667-5b54t' thread='licenseComplianceScheduler-1' user='' org='' trace=''] {} com.vmware.o11n.service.license.retriever.LicenseComplianceRetriever - Error occurred during license compliance retrieval.
com.vmware.o11n.service.license.RetrieveLicenseException: Request to automation license endpoint failed.
2024-07-22T04:03:42.701Z WARN vco [host='vco-app-7bfd6d5667-5b54t' thread='licenseComplianceScheduler-1' user='' org='' trace=''] {} com.vmware.o11n.service.license.task.LicenseComplianceTask - License compliance state is restricted. 


2024-07-22T04:08:53.369Z ERROR vco [host='vco-app-7bfd6d5667-5b54t' thread='http-nio-8280-exec-118' user='' org='' trace='-'] {} com.vmware.o11n.web.common.BaseController - Error invoking REST [unknown]
ch.dunes.util.DunesServerException: ch.dunes.util.OperationNotEntitledException: Requested operation is not permitted due to no valid license entitlement


The observed failures happen intermittently. 

Some calls to the orchestrator are failing with errors after the license entitlement restriction checks is reported as restricted. The license check in turn has failed due to usage of an expired token used for authentication. After several minutes the expired token is refreshed and the license restriction is lifted resulting in continuing normal operation.


For 8.18.0 and 8.18.1 we have the following workaround: Run the following command to apply the license check system property:

vracli vro properties set --key com.vmware.o11n.license.check.automation-endpoint.enabled --value false


Known Issues

  • Intermittent failures of running workflows and actions with an exception - "ClientResponse has erroneous status code: 403 Forbidden"

    Intermittent failures of running workflows and actions with an exception - "ClientResponse has erroneous status code: 403 Forbidden" on Automation Orchestrator deployments authenticated with VMware Aria Automation.

    Workaround: Run the following command to apply the license check system property:

    vracli vro properties set --key com.vmware.o11n.license.check.automation-endpoint.enabled --value false


NOTE: This vracli command will cause a restart of the vco service