Is CA Automation Point compatible with IBM Managed Cloud Services for z Systems (zCloud)?
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Is CA Automation Point compatible with IBM Managed Cloud Services for z Systems (zCloud)?


Article ID: 38026


Updated On:


Automation Point



Is CA Automation Point compatible with a mainframe managed by IBM within their zCloud environment?


IBM zCloud, all Windows Server OS versions supported by CA Automation Point.



There are three pertinent questions with respect to using CA Automation Point for Event Management and Automation of a mainframe system managed by IBM in their zCloud environment (i.e. IBM managed cloud services for z Systems).

1. Does IBM permit TN3270 connections from outside the zCloud environment so that Automation Point console sessions can connect with the mainframe consoles, monitor events and invoke automation?

Answer: YES

2. Does IBM permit remote access to the TCP/IP ports required for AP to connect to OPS/MVS over the OPS/MVS-AP Interface via CCI?

Answer: YES

3. Does IBM permit AP to establish connections required by the CA Automation Point APCMOSI REXX program (using the HWMCA API which uses the SNMP protocol) from outside the zCloud environment? This questions is relevant to CA Automation Point's ability to monitor mainframe HMC events and for AP-> HMC automation.

Answer: Unknown. IBM has not provided CA Technologies the answer to this third question.



Release: AP327020100-11.5-Automation Point-3270/5250 Interface Option