Installed API Gateway container version 11.1.1 in AWS environment.
Looking to understand backend DNS resolution behavior in AWS container environment.
Appliance Gateway parameter in /opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/runtime/etc/profile.d/ defined: default_java_opts="$default_java_opts "
Where is this defined for Container image
Gateway 10.x 11.x
There is entry script in our container image (NOTE it’s the same image for k8s (HELM) as docker
To view need to access the image to view
Example for docker container
# docker exec -it -u 0 <ID from docker ps> /bin/bash
This script start the gateway inside the container: (java extra argos are defined)
The java parameter is define in this script
startGateway() {
info "Starting gateway in foreground"
touch /opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/node/default/var/preboot
cd "${GATEWAY_DIR}/runtime"
# and java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort are system properties that are read during
# JVM start up and need to be specified as command line args to make sure the values are used.
# DE471594: fixed by redirecting STDERR to STDOUT (2>&1) in container
exec java \
-XX:+TieredCompilation \
-Dcom.l7tech.disklessConfig=true \ \
-Dcom.l7tech.server.log.console=true \
-Dcom.l7tech.server.log.console.extraCats="AUDIT,LOG" \ \ \
-Dcom.l7tech.server.defaultClusterHostname="${SSG_CLUSTER_HOST}" \
-Dcom.l7tech.gateway.remoting.connectionTimeout=500 \
-classpath "${JAVA_HOME}/lib/ext/*:${GATEWAY_DIR}/runtime/lib/ext/*:${GATEWAY_DIR}/runtime/Gateway.jar" \
-Dcom.l7tech.server.components=uddi \
-Dcom.l7tech.bootstrap.env.sslkey.enable=true \
-Dcom.l7tech.bootstrap.license.require=true \
-Dcom.l7tech.server.disableFileLogsinks=true \ \
-Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergesort=true \"${GATEWAY_DIR}/runtime/etc/" \
com.l7tech.server.boot.GatewayMain \